
Think about framework

You cannot underestimate the power of presentation, both internally and in front of the client. As a designer, communicating ideas clearly and concisely eliminates a lot of questions and feedback sessions, saving time for actual work. The client will immediately feel that you have everything under control, and will trust your opinion much more.

Make a story out of it: almost build the entire project in front of the client piece by piece. Finally, show the entire page with all components coming together.


Communicate your idea

You cannot underestimate the power of presentation, both internally and in front of the client. As a designer, communicating ideas clearly and concisely eliminates a lot of questions and feedback sessions, saving time for actual work. The client will immediately feel that you have everything under control, and will trust your opinion much more.

Make a story out of it: almost build the entire project in front of the client piece by piece. Finally, show the entire page with all components coming together.


Understand the project.

You cannot underestimate the power of presentation, both internally and in front of the client. As a designer, communicating ideas clearly and concisely eliminates a lot of questions and feedback sessions, saving time for actual work. The client will immediately feel that you have everything under control, and will trust your opinion much more.

Make a story out of it: almost build the entire project in front of the client piece by piece. Finally, show the entire page with all components coming together.

Services we offer

Is a critical part of the website development process. It is highly   important to design intuitive interface that includes consistent   navigation structure, option buttons, information architecture, and other significant interface elements that meet user.

Is a critical part of the website development process. It is highly   important to design intuitive interface that includes consistent   navigation structure, option buttons, information architecture, and other significant interface elements that meet user.

Is a critical part of the website development process. It is highly important to design intuitive interface that includes consistent navigation structure, option buttons, information architecture, and other significant interface elements that meet user.

our Startup seminars

July 15, 18:30 – 22:30

Pre-Event Modeling Workshop

Get a taste of the Startup Weekend energy at the pre-event with a great workshop by Nick Stevens on ideation and business. Register Now
July 3rd, 18:30 – 22:30

Pre-Event Ideation and Business Modeling Workshop

Get a taste of the Startup Weekend energy at the pre-event with a great workshop by Nick Stevens on ideation and business. Register Now

Our showcase GO to Portfolio page


Candles Phasellus ligula

Etiam viverra suscipit ultrices. Integer iaculis mauris vitae eros pharetra,...


Monument Proin ac justo

Duis in est a sapien viverra pharetra in non risus....


Arhitecture Cathedral

Sed efficitur velit eget accumsan posuere. Aliquam mollis a mi...


Road Signs Canyon

Cras congue orci nec nibh dictum, facilisis mollis lacus efficitur....


Hot Air Balloon

Donec nisl ante, imperdiet at ex ut, lacinia finibus arcu....


Proin a pharetra magna

Mauris consectetur lorem velit, ut facilisis eros mollis quis. Nam...


Vivamus feugiat arcu

Ut id justo quis lacus venenatis malesuada a at justo....


Morbi enim metus

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem...


Fusce lacinia varius

Cras interdum risus libero, a hendrerit justo lacinia sit amet....

About simpla 4

Simpla – Web Design & Development that Wow’s

Simpla represents professional Web Design & Development company offering full range of custom web services that bring “wow!” results and balance innovative web technology with cost-efficient solutions, solid experience and creative approach!

Web Design, PHP Development, SEO, Copywriting, Internet Marketing – these are just a few of services we provide for individuals and

Our skills

Zend Framework 90%

Laravel 84%

NodeJS 80%

HTML5 100%

CSS3 94%

AngulaJS 90%

Laravel 90%

Prestashop CMS 94%

Wordpress CMS 88%

Adobe Photoshop CS6 80%

Adobe Illustrator CS4 74%

Adobe InDesign CS4 80%

Adobe Photoshop CS6 85%

Adobe Illustrator CS5 95%

Dreamweaver CS3 70%

Adobe Photoshop CS6 90%

Adobe Illustrator CS5 Extended 70%

Google SketchUp Pro 7 74%

Questions & Answers


Etiam dignissim hendrerit massa in posuere.

Ut sagittis lorem sed pharetra lobortis. Aenean cursus tellus arcu, a cursus ante ornare ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla pharetra arcu at sem dignissim condimentum. Nam mollis bibendum lorem, ac volutpat ex varius vel.


Aliquam sit amet blandit nibh.

Curabitur gravida sit amet elit vitae semper. Morbi ac felis sit amet nulla bibendum suscipit ullamcorper quis risus. Nullam ut cursus justo, sed gravida ex. Phasellus pellentesque turpis nec hendrerit facilisis. Aliquam sit amet blandit nibh.


Sed pellentesque tincidunt facilisis.

Donec nec pharetra lorem, non auctor tortor. Vivamus posuere sapien magna. Cras sodales arcu vitae pretium scelerisque. Vestibulum blandit consequat dui, non malesuada tortor tristique sed. Integer risus sem, scelerisque id aliquet ut, vulputate sit amet quam.



Emil Ipsum

Neque Inc.

Risi Rain

Company Inc.

Joseph McAlssen

Company Inc.

The collaboration was just perfect

Ut sagittis lorem sed pharetra lobortis. Aenean cursus tellus arcu, a cursus ante ornare ut. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla pharetra arcu at sem dignissim condimentum.

Visit Project Page

Awesome collaboration!

Fusce malesuada mi sed iaculis rutrum. Aliquam in turpis est. Aliquam lobortis varius diam sit amet ultrices.

Visit Project Page

The collaboration was just perfect

Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus.

Visit Project Page

Clients we work with

Some tips from Google to help you make the most of the last few weeks of summer #SummerTimes

Some tips from Google to help you make the most of the last few weeks of summer #SummerTimes